Sheesh, I forgot that Mr. Chen and Ollie tagged me for this meme, sorry guys!
Favorite season? Spring, MomBean opens all of th windows and I get my pick of prime nap spots.
Favorite colors? I can't say I have one.
Favorite colors? I can't say I have one.
(It's PINK!)
Do I write in YOUR blog, Woman?!?
Favorite room? Anywhere my beans are, I have to be on the same floor of the house of them, and will yowl at the babygate if I'm shut out.
Do you like dogs? Yeah, they're alright. I grew up with a moose Great Dane.
Ever been in an airplane box? Is that like a regular box?
Do you have to get bathed? NO BATH FOR MONTY!
Are you in love? I, um, you see, it's rather...*urp!*
Where would you like to travel to? The backyard, since the fence went up I get to outside if it isn't too hot out.
What do you ignore? Air fresheners.
How many lives have you used up? Two, I think. My foster house and this one.
Do you have any dark secrets? Give me time. ;)
What is your favorite holiday? Take-Me-Home-Forever Day. (Feb 28th)
Water or milk? Water. Occasionally milk, but I prefer ice cream.
Why do you blog? To make new friends and share with others.
(And to read about Millie!)
Are you into extremes? Only in the litterbox.
Favorite TV shows? Doctor Who, The Wiggles, Thomas the Tank Engine and Good Eats.
Are you a pesty lap cat? Nope, if I'm in a lap it's because MomBean picked me up.
Inside or outside cat? Inside 90% of the time, hopefully more when the steps go up outside.
What makes you happy? My kittybed MomBean made, playin' with my KidBean, sleepin' with my BabyBean, Temptashuns, and...and...
Your most embarrassing moment? The time I got myself stuck on the screen door.