I have to go warm up to sing-'ME ME ME ME, LA LA LA LA...'
Oh, and Happy Halloween to everyone from me, MomBean and the little Beans!
And we'll talk to some locals as well. I hear they go excellent with ketchup are quite friendly.
So much to do, so much to do, I still have to pack my fuzzy pink blanket to sleep on, as well as some Temtashuns to snack on. And some fresh water to sip.
And one more thing for my sweetest tuxiegirl, Millie!
You don't think I had something to do with the hole in the couch, do you?
Ok, ok, it was me. That's why I'm sporting the purple claws-that way Mombean can tell when I lose them. (I already yoinked one off!) She says if I don't knock it off she's buying pink ones next time.