Monday, December 31, 2007
Mancat Monday
My little sis Poppy Q beat me to the punch, but I still wanted to tell evfurryone that I have a new little brother!
Evfurryone, meet Chance:

Isn't he the cutest little mini-mancat you've ever seen?
Evfurryone, meet Chance:

Isn't he the cutest little mini-mancat you've ever seen?
And look! He's already got the moves too!

(It runs in the family...)

He's got me an' Mr. Hendrix to teach him how to grow up to be a huge ManCat, so watch out ladies! ;)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Purrfday Wishes
Aw, MomBean, stop leakin'. You said you wouldn't...
He's just pretending to be reindeer, no Vishus Deer here!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Secret Paws!
HeBean: The CAT has mail again.
Who's it from who's it from open it open it!
Oh! It's from the Meezers ! Pawsome!
Holy Bast! Look at this haul! Even BabyBean wanted in on the loot!
My own stocking too! Full of dingy balls and toys!
And a new fishing toy, and some Temtashuns...I'm getting dizzy!

Hmmm...goosyfud. I will have to try this later.
Well now, what's this? It has treats in it...

I love it all, thanks guys!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007

Hey evfurryone, I won't be online for today and tommorrow, HeBean has to get get a scope done (like Millie's Mom but only the other end) so I'll be helping MomBean take care of him. And I have to make sure MomBean doesn't try to sneak some Groucho Marx glasses on him after he falls asleep. It's a guy thing.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Or it could be my impression of the Steelers brainless second-half play in their game Sunday. Oy, to quote Mr. Hendrix, I could have brought more b*lls to that game, and I've been neutered. :(
Oh, and MomBean has a bad cold, so I'm kinda limited to my 'net time this week. I offered to sit on her head, but she said that there was enough stuff up in there and she didn't need to be snorting cat fur. Phooey.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Game time!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Not my better side...
If anyone wants a New Year's card let me know by sendin' your address to DoingTheQ at gmail dot com. (MomBean can barely get holiday ones sent out to her famblybeans, so I won't try to push her over the mailing edge.)
Oh yeah, MomBean got me these the other day:

Friday, December 7, 2007

Aw, sheesh, look what Chance gave me! I have to think of 5 kitties to give it to now...Hmmm.
1. My little Sis, Poppy Q
2. Tripper, 'cause he likes shiny things. (and he's kinda freakin' out over his lady being gone...)
3. Mr Chen an' Ollie
4. Angus, 'cause he knows it's hard to leave a tree alone.
5. Charlotte, Henry and Clyde, 'cause I don't know if I could have a siblin' called Evil Mar!
And I would give one to my Milliegirl, but she's worth more than a single rose. She could be in a field of blue roses and she'd still make them all look pale in comparison...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Not Safe for Young Kitties!
Sheesh, MomBean finds the weirdest stuff on the net, but it still serves as a warning-VISCIOUS DEER ARE EVERYWHERE.

Look at him, trying to act all 'I'm not going to eat your skull...'

Then he brings a friend for backup!!!

I think he's going for her wallet in this picture.

Now he's trying to follow her home! RUN!
Monday, December 3, 2007
MomBean found a site called,
don't you think Daisy should be their newest model?
(I mean, my Milliegirl would be perfect, but I don't think she'd wear a wig...)
(I mean, my Milliegirl would be perfect, but I don't think she'd wear a wig...)
Saturday, December 1, 2007
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