Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Monday Mancat
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday Frump
Twas the night of Thursday, and all 'round the room.
MomBean was surfing and the computer went BOOM.
HeBean walked in when he heard all the clatter,
Took one quick look and said: 'The graphic card is the matter.'
He poked and he prodded, (MomBean went to bed.)
And after much sighing, this much he said:
'It's up and it's running, (the main station, that is),
But it's routed through the laptop, (however that is).
So now, my dear readers, sadly this is true,
Mah postin' will be sporatic 'till the new card comes through.
(Thank goodness for warranties, or this thing would cost.)
But thankfully not all of the computer was lost.
I still can comment so don't you all fret.
And soon there'll be new posts (and new pics!) I bet.
So don't y'all worry if it seems I've gone poof,
I promise I haven't, or have gotten aloof.
My wonderful furrends, let me say this at last,
OMG Monty, enough fatness!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Mancat Monday

Little? Phhhht.
The pawsome Tyler gave me this award:
Here are the rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
That bein' said, I'm giving it to:
And the uber-cool Cats in Maryland gave me this one!
Come now, of course I'm going to give this to Millie. :D