Ha ha Nice try, but it wouldn't work for mom. In this house, you have to take what you want. Including the piece of cinnamon bread that memere made and mom was just about to put in her mouth. I got it! I got it!
I twys ta do dat all da tyme, but Mommie jus steps ova me. Den I gotsta gwab her leg an bitey and kikk till she pikks me up an gives me scritches. Itz a fun games.
An no, my Mommie no clean much. Only wen da stoopid woofie slobbers all ova da pwace. An wen we gets owr hairs in evawyting. We do dat lots.
I find that if I park myself in front of the fridge I get more treats.
Just a suggestion!
You are a cute speed bump, Monty! We hope you get some treats!
Yep and we see your speed bump is nice and central.
eksellent poze monty q ...
how'z yer mom'z 'diet-boot-us' iz she ok?
I will have to try that method of getting treats.
sounds like a great plan. i'm off to do it now!
i'm glad your mombean is OK. you keep her on the sofa and resting Monty Q!
Ha ha Nice try, but it wouldn't work for mom. In this house, you have to take what you want. Including the piece of cinnamon bread that memere made and mom was just about to put in her mouth. I got it! I got it!
Great strategy, Monty. You look very serious about enforcing the treat-patrol statute.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Speed bumps are there to help people slow down; that is an important job you are doing!
Pixie said she weighs 11 pounds!
YEAH! You're a superduper speedbump, Monty. Purrfeckt placemunt!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Awww Monty Q, they is sure to notice you now.
Poppy Popstar Q
*giggle*, very clever, Monty! I shall have to try that myself. Mao and Dorydoo have the speedbump thing down to an art form, like you!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Exactly, Monty! You've got the right idea - get in their way!
Hey Buddy, I gave you an award! Come on over to my place and pick it up.
Funny, when I do that DKM just walks over me.
Looks like a good plan to me. I'll have to try that one.
your bud Pepi
I have found that if I run past at high speeds, I can body slam the human and knock her down and get treats out of her that way.
That's a perfect speed bump position!
The ideal place, Monty. They must step over you and could easily drop a treat right in front of your face!
Speed bump or road block???? It's all in the spin.
BTW: Where have you been, tabby cousin???
Is your mom ok now? Be sure to take good care of her!
your tabby cuz,
Skittles, The Huntress
I love your speed bump~!
I twys ta do dat all da tyme, but Mommie jus steps ova me. Den I gotsta gwab her leg an bitey and kikk till she pikks me up an gives me scritches. Itz a fun games.
An no, my Mommie no clean much. Only wen da stoopid woofie slobbers all ova da pwace. An wen we gets owr hairs in evawyting. We do dat lots.
Great speed bump position - right in the middle of everything - no way they can keep ignoring you and withholding treats...
Gypsy & Tasha
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