It's going to be beautiful out today, nice and warm with plenty of sun. I'm thinking a nice nap on MomBean's plants sounds good.
I know, I know, a whole, entire week without a post. It's MomBean's fault. Well, Moosh's fault, to be precise. Little bugger is almost crawling and all of the beans are on the floor playing with him.
Hellllooo? The mancat is up here, waiting patiently. Someone pet me!
He was..erm...'helping' MomBean with her shop.
If I helped like that it would be all: "OMG get out of the socks ye beast!"
To this-
in just four short years. Damn. Happy Birthday to my little lady-this tabbyman sure loves you, SweetBean!
Yeah, and?
The next thing you do is ask to go outside and ignore everything I just did for you???
It's a mancat thing.
It's my sweet tuxiekins 4th birthday today, and she gave me a present.
(I'm not sure if she's a cougar as she's older than me. MomBean said I couldn't ask...)
I tried to find flowers as beautiful as you are, my sweet, but perfection isn't easy to find. I hope these will do:I would sing of your grace and loveliness, but MomBean said something about 'not wanting to overdo things'. Next time, next time. But I will always be your