Monty, why is 'box o berrokoli' written on the shoping list?

No clue.
Uh-huh. And what about tryin to sway a certian tuxie's cousin into revealing information?

No idea.
Yeah. You feel like spilling the beans on who blew chunks on my rug? have three littlebeans?
Naughty chair. March.

No clue.
Uh-huh. And what about tryin to sway a certian tuxie's cousin into revealing information?

No idea.
Yeah. You feel like spilling the beans on who blew chunks on my rug? have three littlebeans?
Naughty chair. March.
Uh oh Monty . . .
Pssst . . . hey . . . if you get a clue from Roxy, please share, ok? I'll even chip in for the broccoli bribe!
Dude, harballs happen! Dat's so unfair! I know where the shoppin list is... how do you spell Temptations?
Monty, we don't know how anyone could believe you would do any of those things! You look very innocent!
uh oh...can you add to the shopping list "stinky goodness - a squillion cans..."
Oh man, Monty, MomBean is one suspicious lady! I can't believe that you were the source of vomito with all of those mini-Beans handy...I mean, around.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I think you are completely innocent...
I can't beleive that she didn't buy the little bean excuse.
I HATE the naughty chair!
Stick to your story Monty - blame it all on the little beans!!!
LOL at Victor Tabbycat. Mom's laughing and laughing!
We'd totally stick with the 3 bean salad explanation. Absolutely.
Oh no, you had to go to the Naughty Chair? Darn it.
I am sure whoever it was (and I couldn't possibly say who it was) it must have been an accident.
It had to have been one of the kid beans, and the boy bean looks big enough to write now - maybe he is the one who added the berrokoli to the shopping list? Mom was a weird kid and liked vegetables - maybe yours does too?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Busted!!!! Dang!!!!!!
Stick with the sticky bean story ;)
purrs Mickey
Sorry about the Naughty Chair.
Monty we can't believe you did any of those fings. We're sure it must haf been the little Beans.
Yeah, it was all dem little beans...dey like vegies, dey barf...yoo could always go to da nawty chair, relax and teleport over to see Millie!
Or you could come over and visit me, and then I would spill all the beans about the super secret project. As long as you came with broccoli.
Nice try. But remember, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Maybe if you have some bananas...
Oops! Those little sticky blurpy beans are always doing that so how could anybean blame a handsome tabby mancat?!! :) xxx
Dear Cuz,
Are you out of the naughty chair yet?
Peace to you and your beans on this Blast for Peace Day!
Skittles, The Huntress
I know what the SSP is.
I know what the SSP is.
I know what the SSP is.
I have seen the SSP.
I haev seen the SSP.
I have seen the SSP.
Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!
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