Awwww let the woofy undignify a little. You're supposed to pee yourself with happiness when you get presents! Well, maybe not pee. I certainly wouldn't do THAT. Nope.
Oh what a fun Secret Paws you got there!! We are still waiting for ours to come, too!! Now we're even more excited to see yours came. Purrs, Mr. Chen & Ollie
Monty, you are the epitomy of class, my friend. Tucker, on the other hand, could use a little help. Those are neat presents!
And I'm the first! W00t!
grate stuff!
happee noo yeer to u an yerz ...
Happy Secret Paws! That looks like some good stuff ...
Those are some cool gifts! Tucker, we almost cried to see you so happy. :)
Cool Secret Paws gifts! You'll have some fun!
Tucker, you got a tug rope! That looks fun!
Great gifts you both got. We are glad you were able to show some restraint Monty.
Oh what a great paw you got!
Ah, you got some very good loot! I am glad Tucker got some stuff, too.
Great presents! Tucker looks like he is being the typical woofie!
Mom says she likes Tucker's exuberance. I think you're a prince, Monty. A real prince for putting up with him.
Good luck gettin' the woofie to show some class, Monty Q. Woofies just don't tend to get "it" ... Restraint is oh so underrated.
We like the gifts - but you need to school Tucker in the art of being excited...
I am soooo UBER kidding!
Our woofies get excited too - silly woofies. We know how to show control...unless nip, stinky goodness or ham shows up!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Awwww let the woofy undignify a little. You're supposed to pee yourself with happiness when you get presents! Well, maybe not pee. I certainly wouldn't do THAT. Nope.
You both got great stuffs!
Great gifts! Tucker sure gets excited!
Great stuff for Tucker. You're a cool cat to let him show it off on your blog, Monty.
Sheesh, Tucker is a little excitable isn't he? Maybe he'll outgrow not.
Oh what a fun Secret Paws you got there!! We are still waiting for ours to come, too!! Now we're even more excited to see yours came.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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