What'choo looking at?!?

Mah SweetBean is 3 years old today. 3! MomBean tells me that at this time three years ago SweetBean was already a few hours old-she showed up around 7a.m.
HeBean was licking his wounds, apparently. Or so he says.
She's a lover and a fighter, proven when she spent alomst a week at Children's after an accident. You were all there to help in her healing and recovery, and for that all of us here are eternally greatful.
Either way, I couldn't imagine life without her. She likes to feed me cheese and gives the sloberhound hell when he tries to chase me. Daresay I like that girl o' mine.
Happy Birthday baby girl!
A furry, furry happy purfday to yur SweetBean!!!
~Meeko & Kiara
Happy purrthday, baby SweetBean.
Love & Purrs,
Happy Birthday SweetBean.
Happy Birthday to your SweetBean!
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday, Monty's SweetBean-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Sorry about the howling but Buddy is a hound.
Happy Birthday SweetBean! You are a very pretty girl, but hard to believe you are 3!
Happy b-day, SweetBean!
Oah my god,
she is just BEAUTIFUL~!!!
Happy Birthday to your baby Sweetbean!
Such a beautiful little gal - and if she keeps the slobberhound at bay, all the better!
Please give her an UBER Birthday Smoochie from me!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Sweetbean
Happy Birthday to you
And many more....
Roxy, Lucky, Mom, Dad & PlusOne
Happiest of Happy Birthdays to your Sweet Bean!
Happy Birthday, SweetBean! I hope you have a super special day filled with hugs and kisses and toys and cake.
Happy birfday SweetBean!
Happy 3rd Birthday Sweetbean!! We hope your day is full of fun & presents!!
Happy 3rd Birthday to your sweet bean.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, SweetBean!!!
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy Birfday Miss SweetBean!!!!
We kno you are the bestest kind of bean there is - 'cos you give Monty cheese and you keeep the slobber hound away from him.
Lots of love & hugs & purrs,
Finnegan Buddy & Jazzy
Happy, happy birth-DAY!
Happy, happy birth-DAY!
Happy, happy birth-DAY!
Purrs & smootchies for Sweetbean!
Happy purrthday, Sweetbean!
Happy purrfday Sweet Bean.
Happy Birthday to Miss SweetBean!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Bean!!! We hope you had a fantastic day!!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Monty & Family
We wanted to thank you for your funny as all get out words after Jill's passing. They were very much appreciated.
Roxy, Lucky, Mom, Dad & PlusOne
Happy Birthday little girl! We hope you have a great day!
hey, if the hand feeds cheeses, its all good.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 3rd Birthday SweetBean!!! We hope you had a wonderful day!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
Happy Birthday a little late SweetBean. You sure are a cutie!
And Happy Easter a little late to all of you.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
p.s. The URL for my new blog is http://thetigerlilypad2.blogspot.com
Happy bithday sweetbean, what a great girl you are. Thanks for feeding the tabster lots of cheese, he needs to stay chunky hunky.
Happy Birthday to your sweet little bean. She is an absolute doll, what a cutie pie!
Love and hugs <3
Happy Purrthday SweetBean! Mom was bizzy having surgery on your purrthday so we're late. We think it being your purrthday must have been really good luck for her tho cuz it went great. Fanks! We hope you had a great purrthday!
Alla Us Hotties
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