Sunday, February 25, 2007

First night

I had a nice night with my new Beans, SheBean said I wore out KidBean so much he conked out for bedtime. (Is that a good thing?) I spent the night on their bed, curled up against the HeBean once he got offline and went upstairs. SheBean thought that was funny as he likes dogs more; but she also caught a glimspe of HeBean giving me some headrubbins too.

The rules are pretty easy here, so far there haven't been any misunderstandings. I know where my food and water are, when the can is, (complete with nice wheat litter!), and SheBean wants to get me some toys today when they exchange my cat carrier. The one they bought to bring me home was cracked and they didn't notice until it was time to bring me here. So the shelter people let me borrow one for the ride home.

SheBean thinks I'd been waiting a long time to find a furrever home; when they said they wanted me to come with them everyone at the shelter got really excited. One of them was on the phone telling someone: "Guess who's going home today?!? Monkey!" (More on that in a second...) SheBean can't figure out why I wasn't already adopted, she just guesses we were waiting for each other.

But yeah, I was called Monkey before, but the KidBean's nickname is Monkey as well. SheBean asked if Monty was alright and I liked it. It was close enough to Monkey but had a nice distinquished sound to it. I've been coming to it when SheBean calls, so it's a keeper.

And, um, I got the BabyBean to warm up to me this morning, which is a good thing. SheBean just wishes I could have waited until the sun came up.

--SheBean here; Monty and BabyBean became friends this morning at 4:30a.m., after he tried to slip in next to her for a cuddle and wound up waking her up instead. She's 10 months and 27 pounds, so to be honest, I was more concerned about her doing something to him!

Here's me and my new KidBean to show you how big I am, he's four years old:


Victor Tabbycat said...

Hi, Monty! Welcome to the blogosphere. I's a former shelter cat, too. An a tabby. Haf you bisited The Cat Blogosphere yet? There's lots an lots of us bloggin kitties. I haf one boy bean but he's 11 an big an my angry sisfur Bonnie already tot him to be careful round cats. Like, she scares him. But I don't!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...

o, Monty, welcome into tha Cat Blogosphere. u'll make lots of nice furriends heres.

u's kin also send ur's picture in to Kat and she will make u's Kat's Cat of the Day, u'll be fa-mouse.

nice to meet ya,
purrrssss, KC

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi! I'm so happy for you to have found your forever home! I saw you over at the Cat Blogosphere and wantd to welcome you home. You sound like a very sweet kitty and your SheBean a very very sweet lady to welcome you onto the bed. You'll like being a blogging kitty. There's lotsa nice people and kitties (and woofies, and bunnies, and birdies) and you can get lotsa laughs, and advice and support.
PS I'm adding you to my links too!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hi Monty, nice to meet you! We are so furry happy that you you found your furrever home, it sounds like a great place!

momsbusy said...

welcomes to the cat blogosphere, monty! we is fery glad yus gots yurs furefer home. we is gonna add yus to ars fafurite kitty blogs. come bisits us. we are yuki & kimiko of kazokuneko.

Mungo N Teazer (and the Firecat too!!!) said...

Meeowww!! Welcome!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hello Monty! Very nice to meet you. :) I'm very glad to hear you've found a wonderful Forever Home. :)

The Lee County Clowder said...

Hi. Welcome to the Cat-o-sphere.

Puurrrs all around.