I, um, did a bad thing. MomBean was going out for grocieries this weekend and as she was leaving I. Erm.
I ran out the door. MomBean called me every name in the book she knew of (and I think a few she made up on the spot) and then hauled my furry tuckus off of the porch and inside. She thinks I have a problem. All I heard through the window was something about 'chain', 'what the vet left' and 'permanent connection'.
I need to find a major load of chocolate to apologize with...
You need to stop scaring us all like that.
I'm so glad you are home safe and sound.
Oh Monty, that wasn't a very smart thing to do. You belong inside, it is safer there. Stay inside! Please don't give your mom another scare.
Monty--what has gotten into you always running outside?
Hey Monty's Mom, get a clean spray bottle and fill it with water. Then leave the door open, hide and wait for Monty to approach. Surprise him and give him a few quick squirts in the face (it won't hurt him!) and that will discourage him from going by open doors. Repeat as necessary.
Crew's Mom
Hum...chocolate. We suggest something fancy. Maybe Ghirardelli? My mom LOVES that stuff. Okay. Have a good day and try not to get in more trouble. That MomBean of yours might just decide to put you in an inside doghouse...YUCK!
MONTY! don't scare us again!!
Crew's mom left some very good advice. Jan keeps a water bottle beside the front door, but that's only for the dogs. They think any time the door is opened, they should rush through it to greet guests. Anyone seeing those guys rushing at them, volume at full blast, for the first time could fall down the porch steps in terror.
We kitties, however, are all rescues and we have more sense than to want to leave home.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
Monty!!!! Are you trying to scare all of us and use up all of your nine lives this week???
You may be confined to quarters in the PTU whenever the doors get opened at your house.
Stay inside!!
As for the chocolate, get the expensive kind. That should work.
Monty, Monty, Monty,
Definitely chocolate, or you could tell her Mr. Karate is naked in his latest video.
hee hee
Oh MONTY! Not again! I do not think you learned your lesson. Or maybe now that you got a taste of freedom you have turned wild!
As my mom would say...Have you lost your mind??????? Please stay inside where it is safe and warm.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Monty - if you're gonna keep trying to break out you're gonna need that chip and a collar! And you gotta stop scarin' your MommaBean.
KC said...
O, Monty, that wuz not smart.
What's got into u's???
Are u's going like Mr. Hendrix, where a Bendrix comes out???
u's scaring us all...
Purrs, KC
tut tut tut monty you are a BAD cat!!!
Trust me, the human will be helping with the chocolate quest, just give her a few more days I promise! x
Once ya get a taste of the outdoors...
Everyone is going to have to watch you now.
How about an outdoor pen for kitties? Heehee
Monty! Quit that,huh?
You're gonna spend the rest of your life in a cage if you aren't careful.
Don't do it!!! Please don't run outside any more. It tends to freak out the Momma's. And when the bad words come out? Oooh, boy, you better look out.
I think you definitely owe your mom some chocolate.
Whoa Monty, yoo gotta stop doing dat...da mom beans freek out when kitties run out like dat. May we suggest some Lindor Truffles...
Mr. Q, you are gonna find yurself in one heck of a pickle if'n you keep runnin outa the howse. Are the kids buggin you? Is there sumone outside you wanna hang out wif?
The water spray nefur werked wif Bonnie, but you know Bonnie...
Monty, Monty, Monty! tsk, tsk, tsk. Ecksept I can't tsk too much, I can be a door darter, too. I've gotten bettur about it ofur time, but Momma and Daddy still gotta keep an eye on me whenefur they go in and out of the housie!
Stay in, my furriend! Sing "born to be wiiiiiiild", but stay inside while yur doin it!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Heloo Monty. I heard you'd gone for a long walk and didn't come back right away. Lots of people were worried about you, so I'm glad that you did, but I gotta tell you I completely understand what you're going through. Here where I live the weather has been really nice and I been trying my hardest to get outside too. But then when I do, I realize I don't know where to go. Perhaps you got some good ideas?
i can understand wut yer goin thru monty q.
i like it owtside. we all like it owtside. but if yer a indoor cat ... u gotta giv yer poor mom a brake.
stay indoorz ...
or come heer an we can stay owtside all we want!
i can understand wut yer goin thru monty q.
i like it owtside. we all like it owtside. but if yer a indoor cat ... u gotta giv yer poor mom a brake.
stay indoorz ...
or come heer an we can stay owtside all we want!
Ooooh, Monty -- door-darting will scare your Mom! Please try not to do that. Stay inside, my friend!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
My Mom read that you tried to do it again and she said bad words! We can just guess what came out of your Mom's mouth! I think that you need to get some chocolate (have someone get it for you - STAY INSIDE!, give it to your Mommy and keep your tabby A** in the house!
Ahem...sorry, but we love you too and want you to be safe!
Uh-oh, Monty. (I try that all the time, but rarely manage to get out.)
Monty! Whats up with you???
You trying to sneak out to visit Millie or something?
Knock it off!
Monty! Dude, you are really on thin ice with this trying to run outsdie stuff. We understand where you're coming from but we think you should try to not do that anymore, ok? Your mombean might do something drastic!! Please try teleportin when you have wanderlust, ok?
Mr. Chen & Ollie
I know why I love you so much, Monty. You are so like Gizzy! He used to LOVE to go outside. He used to try every single time Mom opened the door. Our door doesn't go right outside, it goes to a hallway, so there was never much real chance of Gizzy getting out, but sometimes he would scoot by Mom and go upstairs. And sometimes he would race down to the basement and hide and get all dirty.
Gizzy could open the door, too, if it was unlocked. He was a pretty smart guy. He ALWAYS wanted to go outside, no matter how old or how sick he was. Your Mombean is just gonna have to learn to watch you every single minute when the door opens. And you are gonna have to learn that if you get out, you want to get RIGHT BACK IN! I couldn't stand it if you got losted or got hurt!
*Millie gets off the soapbox now."
And, speaking of chocolate, THIS is the best place to go if you want to make your Mombean SWOON with Chocolate. Trust me on this.
Mom & Mr Karate say, truly, honestly, don't spend your green papers anywhere else but here. Those lindor truffles are crappity compared to these. (Sorry Zippy, Speedy & Sadie, but it's true.
Oh Dear Monty, I can relate. I used to try to get out all the time as well. Then Mom got me a harness and started taking me out regularly. Now, I'm really good, I don't try to dart out. I do, however, go to the door and beg to go out in my harness at every chance I get.
Mom thinks its a fair trade.
Hmmm...we haven't got da hoo-haas to try that.
Oah Monty, what's wrong~!
Is there something out there bothering you?
If you really insist, your mommy may tight you up and let you lead your mommy with rope to check out~! But, I think it's problaly not.
It's too dangerous!!
Stay inside would be a good idea, you don't wanna your mommy make you grounded right?
Monty, I was a homeless cat for awhile, and let me tell you, it ain't all that much fun. It's great to hear you're back home again and safe. Now let's try not to do that again, OK?
MONTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are suffering from a monumental case of "nummus skullus". fer goshsakes, get ofur it QUICKLY before your mombean an' most of the kitty blogosphere have simultaneous myoCATial infarctions!
and that chocolate? godiva will do nicely, but NOTHING can take the place of a live, warm, purring montyq. PLEASE don't roam anymore, dear boy.
--meower mom
Mommy & Daddy keep a squirt bottle at our door and if Riley gets too close he gets squirted. Usually all they need to do is point the bottle and make a squirting noise and he runs off. If he's really stubborn, they still squirt him.
Monty!!!!! Yoo wuzn't seereussly finking about escaping again wuz yoo? The outdoors is no place furr a cat to be on his own.
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