Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wordy Wednesday

Rumors of my downslide have been greatly overblown. I'm on the up and up, with proof to boot.

The first part is that the swelling went down on my face. The vet isn't sure what it was, but she thinks that I got something in my eye (from rolling in the mulch pile) and it had to work it's way free. Either way I'm glad all of my eyelids back where they belong.

Here's where the trouble started-that red spot is half the size of what it started out as. Yeah, it was gross. Really gross. But it's healing really well and the skin is already coming back in. And I promise to groom myself.

Lastly, the Do the Q contest is going on, and since I've been AWOL for a bit we'll extend the deadline for a day or two in case anyone has been holding back on posing. There are two new categories as well, so GO SEE.

Thanks for all of the purrs, they helped a lot! ♥


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so glad you are doing better!

Daisy said...

Oh Monty, I am so glad you are on the mend!

Cat said...

Hey Monty I'm glad to hear you are better, everyone was very worried!

Thanks for extending the deadline for Do the Q, I had trouble posting my kitty pics. I left a comment on the site, maybe if you have a chance you can help me. Thanks :-)

Ikaika said...

We are very happy that you are healing up, Monty! Stay well, dude!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Monty, we are so happy that you are feeling better!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are gladyouare doing better now Monty.
We just tried to enter our pictures but couldn't sign in. It kept telling us the name or password was wrong but we know we entered it right.

Summer at said...

I'm glad that nasty spot is healing up!

Kea said...

We're glad you're doing much better now, Monty! Continued purrs and healing Light!

We took a peek at all the contest entrants--yikes, impossible to choose! LOL.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Holy Bast Monty! What the bejeesus happened to you? I'm glad you're getting better.

Remember, chicks dig scars so if it doesn't heal all the way, Millie will still swoon for you

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your feeling better!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Dood! Glad you're feelin' better ... That puncture looks pretty nasty! Did you have a horrible (and hot!) river of disgusting pus like our Cocoa Francis Puff had when Charmee bit him? That stuff's hard to take, eh? Good think you're such a strong kitty boy, right?

Lisa Kolosey said...

Glad to see you feeling better! I've been checking in on you to see if you posted an update.
~Lisa Co9T

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am very happy you are doing well now~!!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Glad yoor on da mend Monty.

Samantha & Mom said...

We are glad you are doing better Monty!~!! Your face looks much better and you look like you are healing nicely on your back!!
(((((((HUGGGGSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad ta hear ya are doing well, but that red spot looks kinna bad. Hope it heals fast and well...

Gigi said...

Oh poor Monty! I am so happy to hear you are feeling a little better! I'll bet a few kisses from your girlfriend Millie could make it all better?

Max said...

Dood, that looks nasty. Does your Mom have to clean it? If she does, I hope it's really nasty. Heh.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Whew, glad to see you's recovering. That place on tha back looks ouchy.
Love & Purrs,

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Monty, we are so glad to hear you are feeling betters! Could you have been stung by a bee or wasp? Our mom had a dog once that got stung on the face by a couple of bees and his face swolled up.

We are a little confused as to how to vote in the contest. Do we send you an email or comment on the cat submission post.

Stay well dude!

Random Felines said...

We are all glad you are feeling better! Purrs and headbutts to you!!!

The Crew said...

Monty, old pal, we're glad you're feeling better. Rest up and soon you'll be back to your old self.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Ouch! That looks nasty. we're glad that you're healing well and getting better.

The Devil Dog said...

Well, thank goodness you are feeling better. We were really worried about you. And Millie was beside herself. Glad to see you up and about.

Roxy & Lucky

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Monty we are glad you are doing better - it sounds like you are healing up well too - we are purring for you to be 100% very quickly!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

So glad you're doing better, Monty. Keep it up.

Cat said...

Hi Monty, thanks for helping me get my pictures posted for the're the best :-)

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, yay!!!! you is better!! we bets that owie will heal up just fine--xingie's did. one of us boycats gave xingxing a claw-whap onna butt one time (no one's confessin'), an' mom found it when she was pettin' her an' it bursted. we all learned some new bad werds that day. we hopes yer face is all shrunk back to normal an' stays that way!

best fishes, bud!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Monty, we're sorry to hear that you have a boo boo on your back. Even though you are feeling better, we think you should take it easy and milk it for all it's worth!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

Bogdan, the editor said...

DUDE. Crazy stuff! We need to hit the nip for this one. (I can't believe they shaved your back!!)

Also, I got a message from the Investor for your woman. She says she wants to buy another sock kitty. Another little one is on the way in the extended family.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

OUCH, OUCH, ouchie! Yoor back looks so poorly! But we are glad yoo are keeping yoor spirits up and feeling better.


Everycat said...

It's very important for a mancat to have his eyelinds in the right place. I'm glad yours are back in situ and the other bit is healing up too.

Whicky Wuudler