(As I'm a little...um...'busy', I'm extending the Do The Q contest deadline until August 8th. Have you entered?)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The pugs are coming!
I just have to think of some Auntie Karate-nip and something to throw Mr Karate off the trail...they can't take my Millie away!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Finally With My Girl Friday

My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here
Even though she's currently a bunny.
I'm working as fast as I can, Monty.
My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here My girl is here
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monty? Monty? Oh for pete's sake. KidBean get the tape, Monty's popped again!
In the meantime, he wanted to tell everyone about the new Do The Q! contest prizes that have been posted, including a new category for buns!
And as his fatness can't pose for pics, Sprout will be his stand-in today.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sunday Funday
I got this award from my Aflac bro Tripper:
Isn't he cool? I'm giving this one to my sweet tuxie girl Millie and Kukka-Marie.
And then I got this one too!
I'm a moron because I don't remember who gave it to me. :I Bad tabbyman, bad bad tabbyman...I'm passing it on to Yao-lin.
...and to apologize for being forgetful, here's a Sunday Sprout pic:
Good lord, ignore the carpet stains...o_0
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Why has my backside been cut off?
Too big to fit it all in the frame.
Still bitter about yesterday's barf-fest?
I ran out of carpet cleaner, fatness. It looks like I raise large birds inside the house.
Your point?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tabby Tuesday Wordy Wednesday
The Tabbyman would like an explanation about yesterday's Newman appearance.
I hear you were involved this time, Woman.
No comment...
And what about my awards that you haven't posted yet?
Where are you at 3am when Sprout is doing her banshee impersonation?
No comment.
Monday, July 14, 2008
ManCat Monday
Who's the mancat? Who's the mancat?
Someone call for a mancat?
What are you doing back?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday 13

So Millie has mentioned a little trip before, and her Mom bein' an Auntie. I've asked MomBean about all of this and I've only been given hints on it. Here's what I know from listening in on their phone calls:
- It has something to do with Sprout.
- A lot of fambly beans are swarming the house at the same time.
- Everyone is getting dressed up, even Sprout.
- Sprout has to wear some old dress that HeBean wore when he was little. (*)
- I hear KidBean and SweetBean had to wear it too.
- Wait, throw in some cousinbeans as well. Don't any of you have money to buy the kids new things?
- Millie's Mom is making a special bag apparently for this 'thing'.
- Seat belts?!?
- Trains, buses and automobiles all in one day, but not in that order.
- MomBean is excited over cookies, for some reason.
- Sprout is apparently getting one hell of a bath.
- I do not have a potty mouth, MomBean.
- MomBean is working on something special in the sewing room and I'm apparently needed for part of it.
Did I mention neither of them make sense?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Friday Fun
Does this ring any bells?
Or this?
Happy 4th of July-check in tommorrow!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Widebody Wednesday
I have not.
Seriously, look at your front legs, they are like twigs compared to your rump. Do you beep when you turn around?
Phht. Do you?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Tuesday Tabbage
I dunno if I could catch this guy, I might need some mancats to help out...
Besides, I have to finish somethingfor this weekend. Any guesses?
Y'all had a lot of fun last time...