Oy, Woman, a little late getting this up today?
Bite me, Baconator. I'm trying to help a friend out with their sick cat.
Phhht. Today's link is for a sample of Life's Abundance cat (or dog) food. You can
click here to get your freebie.
Wait, sick cat? What happened?
Here's the quick review of what happened, I know that the family is really worried about her and doesn't have a lot of money at the moment. I'm trying to find a way to help out-the current tab is a few hundred dollars with possibly more to come.
"She just got over a terrible flea infestation that seems to have her tied up in knots, emotionally. She has lost a lot of weight--like a lot--and I think it's because of that.
But then, yesterday, we found a cut on her leg. A bad one. It was oozing bloody puss. We don't know how she got it, but it looks like it's possible that it was a snake bite. We haven't seen any snakes in the garage or the house (the only places Nikki goes), but it could be.
We took her to the vet and they cleaned it and shaved it and gave us antibiotics and painkillers for her. With any hope, she'll get better. She is 10 years old, but she seems to fit in with our family better than ever. She loves the girls (finally) and she even likes the dogs a lot. "
SO, we're going to have a raffle as soon as MomBean can figure out how to set one up. If anyone knows how to please let us know, 'cause MomBean, she's not smart like that...